Contribution for Islam!

Sala m 1 Malaysia to all my readers out there, 🤗 When talking about contributions towards Islam after 21th years of living i just realized that, what i have been done towards my religion are so numerable but I got my courage back as i know in every matters , Allah value our efforts and not our outcome either success or failure, that how beautiful Islam is .🍀 So for this entry, i want to share one of my little contributions towards Islam . What it is ? : Preaching at a residental area near my secondary school. As i mentioned before , i was a prefect back then. In 2013, my school organized an event called " Street Dakwah " . This event was mainly for all school prefects in order to sharpen our leadership skills . So my group which consist of me and two of my best friends have decided to preach about simple topic which is " The Power of Basmalah " . Our targeted place is a residental area which located in front of our school as...